Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Such a long time between posts.

All bloggers will tell you: popularity lies in the heart of consistency. Any of the readers that this blog may have managed to garnish are most certainly lost among the many avenues and highways of cyberspace. Alas, Dear Black Void, my only reader, hear me now. Beyond you, sweet unanswering void, this writer relies--with scant hope--on the very few remaining faithful that might be interested in the prospect of new ruminations.

Vacationing. It is so supremely important. Time away to refresh, find inspiration...or perhaps just breathe clearly.

(This is where I insert my excuse.) As a writer, one is always facing internal deliberations, musings, and thoughts. This, as you may or may not understand, can be emotional and therefore tiresome. While writing helps with one's internal processing system, it also asks much of the author. As a result of tiresome blogging efforts, yours truly been on a writing furlough. My pen has up and shimmied on over to Barbados which, by the way, is great this time of year...or at least so says my lapiz.

The more I got to thinking about vacationing, the broader the whole concept seemed...and I like the whole notion. We take vacations away from work and our ideal destination is a place that puts distance between us and the norm. But what else, besides the daily grind, pushes us to answer the call for hiatus? What else must we--vacate? Furthermore, what unconventional means do we employ to achieve our need for respite, if mobile vacating is not an option?

I summon your ideas.