Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Dark Side

Is there such a thing as a doctor who treats the pain of a heartbreak? What soothes the soul when one is enduring emotional turmoil? I offer the following ideas.

1. A flurry of chocolate: whether in the hefty doses bestowed by a piping hot flourless chocolate torte or in the delicate portions of a fluffy godiva, one can always count on the mood boosting powers of cocoa.

2. A good run. Be angry and take it out on a hill.

3. A busy day. Every once in a while, you notice that ten minutes has lapsed before you've gone back to thinking about the pain.

4. A pitiful cry. To be done in the car or into a pillow...when no one is home so you can wail with all of the despicable sorrow you can muster.

It is a point of amazement to me that the heart can bear so much. Yet, what I find utterly unbearable is when my heart actually physically feels the deep throbbing pain of loss.

This one is for M. who is trudging along on the dark side of pain. Thank God light never ceases to exist, even when we cannot see it. Let's hope the tunnel isn't too long.

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